Apply to Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)

This is a two-year program leading to an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and is offered in the traditional semester format over the course of 5 semesters. Class and clinical sessions meet mainly during daytime hours.

Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)

ADN Application Process

Nursing application packets are available only during the fall (October 15 – February 15) or spring (June 15 – Sept 15) open application periods.

The following must be completed by the application deadline:

  1. Apply to San Juan College if not a SJC student, and complete the admission enrollment process.
  2. Submit official transcripts from all schools attended to the SJC Registration and Records Office for evaluation of course transfer credit. Do not submit official transcripts to the nursing department.
  3. Complete all prerequisite courses (17 credit hours) by the end of the fall or summer semester prior to the current application deadline.
  4. Submit a current nursing application. Application packets are available in October and June.
  5. Complete the ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) for nursing exam and submit score result(s) to the nursing department. All applicants are required to have current test scores for the application period. The exam can be taken once per test period through the SJC Testing Center. Off-Campus testing is also available through the SJC Testing Center. Refer to the appropriate On-Campus or Off-Campus testing instructions as applicable. Topics for this exam include reading, math, science, English and language usage. Study guides are available in the SJC Bookstore or can be ordered on the ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute) website. Additional preparation resources include practice exams and exam course available through the ATI website and tutoring assistance in the San Juan College Student Success Center. Refer to current application packet for further detail regarding testing requirements, eligible scores, instructions, testing dates and scheduling the exam.
  6. Activate San Juan College student email account.

ADN Program Selection Requirements

To be eligible for the nursing program selection process, the following program requirements must be completed by the current application deadline:

  1. Enrolled as a San Juan College student.
  2. Submitted all official school transcripts as listed in the application instructions.
  3. Taken the ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) for nursing exam and obtained the minimum eligible Adjusted Individual Total Score. Only current official testing transcript score results will be used for selection point calculation.
  4. Submitted a current complete nursing program application. Note: If reapplying for selection, a new nursing application is required.
  5. Achieved a minimum overall cumulative GPA of 2.0. The GPA requirement must be fulfilled at the end of the fall or summer semester prior to the current application period deadline.
  6. Achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in the ADN 17 credit hour prerequisite courses. The GPA requirement must be fulfilled at the end of the fall or summer semester prior to the current application deadline. All prerequisite courses require a minimum grade of ‘C’.
  7. Completed all ADN prerequisite courses (17 credit hours).

Selection of students to the San Juan College nursing program is based on a point system. Students are ranked according to total points. Nursing Program slots are filled beginning with the highest ranking students. Completing all requirements does not guarantee acceptance to the ADN program.

Selection points are awarded based on the following:

  1. GPA – GPA is calculated from grades received in the required 17 credit hour prerequisites. 40% of points will be awarded based on the cumulative 17 credit hour prerequisite GPA.
  2. ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for Nursing Score. 50% of points will be awarded based on the highest eligible Adjusted Individual Total Score.
  3. ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for Nursing Proficiency Score. 3% of points will be awarded based on the achievement of an Adjusted Individual Total Score of 64% or higher.
  4. Residence Status: 2% of points will be awarded based on San Juan County residence status.
  5. San Juan College Student Status: 3% of points will be awarded to San Juan College students who have completed a minimum of 12 of the required 17 prerequisite credit hours at San Juan College.
  6. Science GPA: 2% of points will be awarded for a combined 3.5 GPA or higher based on 8 credits in basic and health science courses.

Students will be notified of acceptance into the nursing program by postal mail in spring for a fall program entry and fall for a spring program entry. Applicants who have not met the basic program eligibility requirements will also be contacted by mail regarding their status.

When selected students have confirmed program acceptance, a detailed information packet will be provided with specific instructions and guidelines regarding the requirements (i.e., immunizations, CPR, etc.) to be completed prior to starting the Nursing Level 1 Semester courses. Selected students are required to attend a nursing orientation.

Students accepted into SJC Nursing Program maintain selection status by completing all post selection program entry requirements and maintain the minimum GPA of 2.0 post selection for entry into the Nursing Level 1 Semester. A grade of “C” or higher must be achieved in every course in the nursing curriculum.

ADN Program Curriculum

Prerequisites are to be completed by the end of the fall or summer semester prior to the current application deadline. Program Core health science courses (BIOL 2225, BIOL 2510, BIOL 2520) can be completed prior to or during the required semester listed. Nursing courses (NRSG) are taken in semester level sequence.

A grade of “C” or higher is required in all prerequisite and curriculum courses. Completing all general education course requirements does not guarantee acceptance to the program.

View ADN Program Curriculum

ADN Estimated Program Costs

Below is a link to information about the cost of the ADN Program.  The information is approximate and is subject to change.

ADN Program Estimated Costs

Department of Nursing Student Handbook

Department of Nursing Student Handbook

Phone: (505) 566-3197